Norwegian Fjord Horse Alliance Membership Application
Membership is for a Calendar Year, January 1 - December 31. New members joining after October 1, are given membership in the current calendar year and the next calendar year. All communications and elections are done electronically. An email is required for reminders for voting.
The Fjord Alliance is entirely volunteer run and staffed. We are member-focused in our governance and programming. We welcome all members of the fjord community, whether you compete, enjoy your fjord at home, or admire the breed as a non-owner. Fjord horses participating in our programs or competing for our awards can be registered or unregistered. Our goal is to create an open, informative community for everyone, from long time owners of the breed to people looking to own their very first Fjord. We are the place where the Fjord community can network and support each other in a positive, fun-focused environment.
Member Benefits Include:
❖ Eligibility to vote in all elections
❖ Eligibility for all Fjord Alliance awards programs
❖ Receive our electronic communications
❖ Automatic entry in Fjord Alliance membership drawings
❖ Eligibility to enter all Fjord Alliance contests
❖ Free Farm Directory and Stallion listing in a searchable table format with links to your web site
❖ Exclusive invitations to Fjord events including area networking meet-ups
❖ Free event calendar listing of local Fjord events
❖ Discounts advertising in the Fjord Alliance communications
❖…And more. We are a young organization and expect to grow our member benefits.
Consider Donating
Make a donation
The NFHA is entirely funded by dues and donations. As a 501(c)(3) organization, your donation is recognized as a charitable contribution. Please consider supporting our programs with your donation.
One time